I found myself having a pity party. The more I thought of it the more it drained my existence. I didn’t know what was going on until I was scrolling through my email and saw an article about “feeling alone.” That really nailed it for me. As I read the article and started zoning into my own emotions I shed a few tears. After I felt the feelings and then felt them leave my body, I exhaled (many times) and now I was able to start healing. I started thinking of the people I have and the endless and tireless tasks I give myself. NO!! I AM NOT LONELY. I have my family, friends, clients, business, education, goals, health, etc. I am NOT LONELY!


The feeling of being lonely is a state of mind. I was projecting my feelings onto myself. Every day is a new day and a new beginning. I can’t tell anyone to “STOP FEELING THAT WAY” I would actually encourage you to have your own pity party and write down everything you are feeling. Once you know where these feeling are coming from, then the healing will start. Leave those emotions to stay in the “yesterday” and start TODAY with a fresh start.


Mental health is as real as a broken bone. However a broken bone can be seen and treated vs mental health is trickier. Start today “diagnosing” your feelings and ask for professional help to start moving forward and treating your state of mind.


YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! Tell them I said so. ♥️

P.S. My favorite Quote:

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” -Marilyn Monroe


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